Happy Sunday, friends!
This week, my Mom continued her radiation treatments and should be finishing up this coming week. She is feeling good but has definitely felt the fatigue these past few days. After the radiation is complete, we will meet with the oncologist to discuss chemotherapy. The week has held so many sweet blessings, including a LOT of cooking including a blackberry cobbler, coconut creme pie, strawberry pie, strawberry freezer jam...and then homemade buttermilk biscuits to go with the jam. Needless to say we are thankfully not starving.

My mom wanted to share some favorite hymns that we are calling our "Prayer Medley." The words in these old songs are like a balm to my heart as I think about the beautiful blessing of bringing our cares to a perfect Father. He cares about every single one of our concerns.
"Sweet Hour of Prayer" has always been special to my Mom. One powerful line is tucked away in the first verse: "In seasons of distress and grief, my soul has often found relief." What a wonderful thought. But it only gets better when you arrive at the fourth verse. When my Mom and I were practicing, I told her I couldn't quite remember the words. I started singing the verse, and my eyes fell on that amazing line...
"This robe of flesh I'll drop and rise to seize the everlasting prize. And SHOUT while passing through the air... Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer."
She looked at me and said, "What a wonderful thought to think that one day we won't need prayer anymore. We will be with HIM!"
Let's just say I didn't make it through that verse in our rehearsal. Ha!
Then here's a fun story she shared about a season of prayer in her own life. She said,
"I felt like I would get up in the morning, have my quiet time, and then go to work." She paused, grinned, and said, "And then things would fall apart. I would recognize I hadn't prayed all day long. So I decided to put an empty chair in my office, right beside my own chair. When I came to a problem, I would look at that empty chair and picture Him there. I would say, 'Lord, you know how to solve this problem, I don't. You can help me.' The day would continue, and I would picture Him beside me in the car, or even on the four-wheeler. I would even think, 'Now hang on, Lord!'"
I'm thankful she shared that story. I even decided to pull out the big question. "Mom, do you think prayer changes God's mind? She looked at me and said, "I think prayer aligns us with God's mind." I am so encouraged by the beautiful desire my Mom has to share her faith in each and every situation she finds herself. This season is difficult, and yet I know her heart still longs to share the hope that fuels her every moment. Oh, and I had to laugh as we finished singing the last line of "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." That was supposed to be the end and yet she continued on with a song.... "Until Then." Another great song with such wonderful hope. The Worship Leader in my Mom was certainly shining on day!!! If I have learned anything from her it's always be ready to improvise. #lifelessons
We appreciate your prayers... and today, we pray these songs will encourage you in whatever you may be facing. We press on, friends!
Absolutely beautiful and so uplifting! Thank you for sharing, needed the testimony this morning! Thoughts, love, and prayers lifting up for all!