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In the Sweet By and By


Updated: Jul 1, 2023

Every week that we are able to share music is just so special for us. This week we were talking about what songs to sing next and our minds turned to heaven. The start of the video my Mom talks about her diagnosis and all she is facing. She is such an amazing woman of faith who is ALWAYS ready and willing to share her hope - JESUS. He truly is our everything. Our prayer is to share the Hope He alone can give.

This world is broken and filled with pain. None of us can escape it. If you are like me, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by it. Yet, we all have a place of refuge and the promise of a tomorrow without fear because our hope lies beyond the here and now. Love this verse:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, but we can have confidence and freedom to live with JOY today as we place our Hope in Jesus. Right now there are so many moments I have to refocus my mind from worry and pain to the beautiful hope God gives when we place our faith in Jesus. I love photography and it's so interesting to me how a simple adjustment of my settings can change the focus from something incredibly close to a vast view! It's easy to let our focus be small...ourselves, our problems, our worries. Yet, for peace to come our focus HAS to be on Him (speaking to myself at this point haha!!)

So today we focus on Jesus and His wonderful promises. Here are the lyrics from one of the songs we sing today:

Trials dark on ev'ry hand, and we cannot understand All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land; But He'll guide us with His eye, and we'll follow till we die; We will understand it better by and by. By and by, when the morning comes, When the saints of God are gathered home, We will tell the story how we've overcome; We will understand it better by and by.

We can face today...tomorrow with ASSURANCE if our hope is in Jesus. He alone can give us ALL that we need to face the days ahead!

This week we appreciate your prayers as my Mom will have another MRI to measure the results of the radiation treatment. Would you pray with me as we continue to ask the Lord for great healing in my her life.

Lord Jesus, I come to You and pray for my Mom. I'm so thankful that we can trust You, Lord, with the difficult things we face in this life. I believe in an instant You could heal my Mom and remove these tumors and any trace of cancer, and we ask for just that in the powerful name of Jesus. Yet, I also continue to ask that You would align our hearts with Yours. Your plan for each one of us is perfect and we trust You, God. Help us look to You during this time because You alone can give us what we need....peace, joy, perseverance, faith. We praise You for Your Mighty Ways that are so far above our own understanding. I pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus!

Thank you friends... we appreciate each one of you and your support during this time. We pray these songs would encourage you and give you hope!!! And we sure hope you are singing along!!!

Songs today:

By and By

In the Sweet By and By

When We all Get to Heaven

Beulah Land


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Susie Crutcher
Susie Crutcher
25 de jun. de 2023

Sarah, your strength and faith and encouragement are such a beautiful demonstration of the example of your Mom and Dad and such a Reward for them. i can’t even imagine how busy you must be knowing how you and Josh raise your family. Your folks must be soooo proud of you and the faith you exhibit. I must admit, this is not the first time I have ever wondered why bad things happen to such good people. Thank you for your honesty and lesson of faith!


25 de jun. de 2023

You 2 beauty's, sweet, wonderfuls ladies like 2 peas in a pod. You've brought happiness to so many of us and even when you should be taking care of yourselves you are still bringing joy to others. Thank you for many years of happiness and joy. Just talking with you is fun. I'm praying. You are my heroes! Love you much Connie B.


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