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In His Hands


One day.

Tomorrow is the day we meet our baby. I have so much I want to say, but I'm going to try and make this brief since I should finish packing, and my biggest goal of the day was to take a nap...I'm thinking that one may not happen. :)

If we rewind to June of 2014, we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our third. Our first two birth experiences were as normal as they come, but with Elijah everything changed. Not long after his birth the nurse came into my room and said he had stopped breathing. They couldn't explain why and he kept having episodes, so he ended up in the NICU. It was a really scary time for us and things felt so out of control. We spent a little over a week (although at the time it seemed like months) in the NICU trying to figure out what may be causing it and hoping it would stop. The scariest thought for me was bringing him home. What if he stopped breathing and I didn't know it? I was overwhelmed by fear. SO many fears. Thankfully, the Lord was gracious, and our little guy overcame whatever issue it was (we still don't have an answer) and I was ecstatic to bring him home.

When he was about 6 months old, in January of 2015 I felt prompted to write a song called, "In His Hands." A song in which I wanted to convey the wonder of expecting a child, yet the fear that most certainly accompanies it. I kept thinking of the passages that tell us that that Lord has a plan for our life...and it is good. For ALL of our lives... young or old. And the Bible says He had that plan before we were even in our mother's womb. What an amazing thought. I also was reminded that along with that plan...he knows the number of our days. Even before we are born he knows the moment of our first breath and our last... I can trust the Lord with my own life, and I can trust Him with the greatest treasures I have on this family.

13For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15My frame was not hidden from youwhen I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16Your eyes saw my unformed body;all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17How precious to me are your thoughts,a God!How vast is the sum of them! 18Were I to count them,they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:13-14

Fast forward again to this past August of 2016. When we found out the difficulties surrounding our little baby, I immediately thought of the song I had written. I went to look up the lyrics I had written, tears filled my eyes as I saw the date on them.... January 13, 2015. Well, our due date for this little guys just happened to be January 14, 2017. Some may say it's just a coincidence, but I believe it was a little blessing from the Lord to remind me He has our boy in the most protected place... His mighty, healing, strong, tender, caring Hands. He knew way back in 2015 what we would be facing today. This is a part of the song that I've thought over and over...

Before He formed you in the womb, it says He knew you.

Before you took a single breath, He had a plan

And every second of every day

This promise He has made: that He loves you

And you're held safely, In His Hands.

I've been anxious about sharing it, but the past few days it's been a constant thought on my mind. I had actually started a little video to go along with it back in 2015, so most of the photos you see are of Elijah as a baby. I decided to quickly finish it up and share away (before I could change my mind). My prayer is that in listening you will be impressed with the truth that God has a plan for all of us. He has a plan for this amazing, tiny life that has been growing inside of me. He knows exactly what tomorrow will hold. He still has a plan for the elderly lady who feels her life is without purpose. He has a plan for the hopeless...for those who feel they are failures...for those who are angry or hurting... for those who are different than what we see as "normal"... He has a plan. And He loves us. How He loves us. Oh, if only our minds could think as He does I'm sure we would never hesitate in trusting Him with our lives. To be able to worship Him even in the midst of fear and pain...

Thank you for praying with us and being a part of our journey. I have been so blessed by your comments and phone calls and texts. I'm filled with a lot of emotions about tomorrow, but I know that the Lord will be with us.

Jesus, be glorified.

"In His Hands"

Such a miracle is happening right inside of me

A tiny life is growing, and it's such a mystery

But in the midst of joy and wonder, I admit that I'm afraid

How am I supposed to care for you and meet your needs from day to day

But through the tears, the fears, the worries and the pain

You're held safely by the God who knows your name

Before He formed you in the womb, it says He knew you.

Before you took a single breath, He had a plan

And every second of every day

This promise He has made: that He loves you

And you're held safely, In His Hands.

Since that day I heard your tiny cry and they placed you in my arms

How I've wanted to protect you and keep you safe from harm

But this life can be uncertain and though I try my best.

Only God can truly meet your needs and it's in Him we find our rest

And as I stand beside your bed and watch you sleep

I thank God He's holding you, your soul He'll keep

Before He formed you in the womb, it says He knew you.

Before you took a single breath, He had a plan

And every second of every day

This promise He has made: that He loves you

And you're held safely, In His Hands.

And no matter if you're young or old,

You are precious to Him. He loves you so.

And there's a purpose for every single life he gives

So let's worship Him and give him praise

Be thankful forever single day

And be faithful with the precious time He gives…

Before He formed you in the womb, it says He knew you.

Before you took a single breath, He had a plan

And every second of every day

This promise He has made: that He loves you

And you're held safely, In His Hands.



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