Happy Sunday!
The song we picked to share this week is a favorite of ours, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” The older I get and the longer I have walked with the Lord the more precious this song becomes. Life has bought its share of difficulties, yet season after season He has proven to be so faithful.
In the video I share a little about the journey I faced when carrying our son Silas. At our 20 week ultrasound we learned there were many complications with his tiny life. The doctors couldn’t tell us if he would make it to term let alone what life would look like if he did. Those days felt crushing. The question of his life seemed to echo over every moment of the day. Oh how I was thankful for every tiny kick and jostle. Life. It's just so precious.
Those days were intense. As our due date drew closer the realization of delivery felt impossible. I remember thinking, “Lord, I can’t do this. It's too much.” The thought of walking into that delivery room with such uncertainty was paralyzing. However, the day came and with it the incredible strength and power of our GREAT GOD.
I don’t say this to bring attention to myself or make it sound like I was strong… Trust me, I’m not. But friends, HE IS. And He is ready to come to our aide any time we need. Somehow He beautifully uses the most painful and crushing moments of life to bring us what we long for most - PEACE. My Mom stood by my side and held my hand during those tender moments. Silas completed his life mission in nine short hours but forever impacted mine.

I look back now with tears as I think of the faithfulness of God during that season. Was it hard? Yes. Was it difficult? Yes. But now I can say, "WOW GOD!" Look at all You have done. I share this to hopefully encourage someone out there, but also as a personal reminder as we again face uncertain days. HE WILL BE FAITHFUL no matter what lies ahead.
When we were making the video for today I asked my Mom if she could think about a time when God had been faithful. She looked at me with a twinkle her eye and said, “Can I think of a time He hasn’t?” Enough said.
I sit here clinking away on the keyboard in my laundry room and wonder about you... whoever you may be reading this on the other side of the screen. What is your story? What are you facing today? Oh I pray that you know the One who can guide us through each and every situation. I don't know where I would be without Him.
Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for encouraging us. And thank you for singing along with us. As I walk beside my Mom through this difficult time I can’t think of anything better than to come before an Almighty God with a song on my lips that says… I trust YOU. YOU WILL BE FAITHFUL.
I made a Facebook page and Instagram page where I'm hoping to share more music... Come find us there!
God bless youre family Nancy was such a blessing to so many
Your Mom and Dad ARE such a blessing to my life. I’m praying for Al of you during this time and as you have stated many times God‘s got this and I wouldn’t want it any other way! Love and continued prayers
Missy Snyder Gronda
So grateful for how GOD is using you ladies to provide for the needs of so many people who are listening. Because so many need to hear. May GOD continue to hear our prayers. We love you! It's been another Sunday morning testimony!!!