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God Bless America


This week my Mom and I decided it would be fun to share something patriotic for the 4th of July. She has led the music at our church for years and the patriotic service is a favorite of mine. We love this country and the beautiful music that celebrates our freedom. What a blessing to live in a land that is FREE!!!

I have to insert a funny story. My Mom helps lead an elementary school event called "Great American's Day." The purpose of this day is to share the stories of the inspirational men and women of our great country. My Mom's role is to portray Fanny Crosby. Fanny was blinded at a young age and yet amazingly wrote thousands of poems and hymns. My Mom LOVES dressing up and sharing her story of faith and determination. I'll never forget the year we pulled up to the school and I started to get out of the car. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, "Come over here and lead me to the door so they really think I'm blind!!!" Keep in mind this was way before school had even started and yet she was already "in character" and didn't want to spoil the effect. Haha!

Shortly after my Mom was diagnosed with these brain masses we were trying to decide what to do about Great American's Day for 2023. It seemed best that perhaps she not participate this year. However the morning of the event I got a text that she was up, dressed, and ready at 4:30am as good ole Fanny Crosby. Ready to share "her" story with hundreds of fourth grade students. Ha!! That is so my Mom. She's going to keep going no matter what.

The determination that Fanny Crosby possessed my Mom does as well. I believe that comes from serving a God who enables us to do hard things. He SHINES through our difficulties because we must depend on Him. This year my Mom shared Fanny's story while facing her own trial. She was already struggling with some weakness and I had to help her to her feet to share this poem that Fanny wrote at age 8:

What resolve. I see that same determination in Mom. Determined to be content no matter what situation she finds herself. This week the news we received from the doctor was hard and yet I see in my Mom contentment and peace. So listen on the video today as she shares this poem. It was a blessing for me to hear and I pray for you as well.

Want to know my resolution? I will NOT let the fear of tomorrow steal the joy of today. There are too many beautiful moments that could be overshadowed by sadness and worry. And right now.... I don't want to miss one single thing.

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Jul 03, 2023

She walked with me as we shared Great Americans Day as I portrayed Abe Lincoln.. It was always such a blessing and fun time. We love you and your family and your witness to the Grace of God in all things.


Jul 02, 2023

Thank you, girls! And, yes God Please Bless America!!! Love you and your Beautiful voices!!! Thank you for always blessing us!


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