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38 Weeks: Defining Moments


Hello there! I thought I would jump on and write a quick little update seeing that we are 9 days out from meeting our little one. 9 days. I've had so much I want to write, but my mind simply can't put to words all the emotions I feel. So forgive me if this a rambling, jumbled mess. The journey we have been on for the past four months has left us with a lot of uncertainty...but in a little over a week we will have answers. The thought of that is both wonderful and terrifying. What will those first few moments hold? Who is this little life and what difficulties may he face? I've tried to play out the various scenarios in my mind and yet, I feel like there is absolutely no way to prepare for the adventure that lies before us.

We had another appointment this past week (only one more left!). Two things we know for sure at this point... he is still breech, which means I will be having a c-section. The other is his cleft issue. The rest of the concerns will be addressed when he gets here. I'm praying he will be able to breathe on his own without difficulty and not have to go to the NICU. The possibility of that is rather slim, but it's definitely my prayer. I'm also praying he would not have any chromosome abnormalities or other issues that would inhibit his life. At the same time, I'm praying that the Lord will give us the grace to accept whatever journey we find ourselves on. I believe with all my heart that children are a blessing from the Lord...and this little boy will be and has already been such a blessing to us.

This past week at church I heard a wise old man (my Dad, haha) talk about "defining moments" in life. We all have them... You know, those times that mark you in such a way you are never the same. Moments that have a definite before and after. I couldn't help but think of our little guy and how this has been one of the most defining moments...or um, seasons... of my life. Who would have thought that the Lord would use a tiny very own son to change his mother's heart in so many ways. I know that I am not the same as I was before. I've experienced the power of the Lord in my life in a such a real and tender way my eyes well with tears at the thought of it. He has been so near... so present during all of this, and I have such confidence that He will be so near in the next few days.



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